Wednesday, 28 December 2011

Confessions on U-Kiss' Tick Tack

Kiss meeee!!

Firstly, before I start fangasming while writing this U-Kiss post:

Merry Christmas everybody!



1. Tick Tack
2. Coincidence
3. 0330 -Piano & Chorus ver.- 
4. Tick Tack (Instrumental)
5. Coincidence (Instrumental)

Okay back to U-Kiss... I know this is pretty old news, but it deserves a confession! Omigosh this song is just fantastical. Seriously.

Tick Tack is the title of U-Kiss' debut Japanese single that was released earlier this month. It features magnificent vocals from Soohyun and Hoon and ... rapping by everyone else in U-Kiss haha. But the choreography for this song is really amazing! When I first saw the MV, I honestly could not breath. Thanks, U-Kiss :)

Me = image

I like that SooHoon moment at 2.30 ish...


The chorus is pretty much comprised of SNSD Genie kicks and bahaha but the clock dance is pretty cool!

I just love this song so freaking much... Hopefully U-Kiss will be even more successful  in Japan :)

Tick Tock Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock
Tick Tock 
 ~Hey, time is too slow for me baby
Listen girl~

Monday, 19 December 2011

Confessions on IU's Last Fantasy

Last month, IU released her new album Last Fantasy and is currently promoting the title track You and I, which she has already won an award for. For an 18 year old, this solo artist has captured the hearts of everyone young and old.


01 비밀 (Secret)
02 잠자는 숲 속의 남자 (Feat. Yoon Sang) (Sleeping Prince of the Woods)
03 별을 찾는 아이 (Feat. Kim Kwang Jin) (Child Searching for a Star)
04 너랑 나 (You and I)
05 벽지무늬 (Wallpaper Design)
06 삼촌 (Feat. Lee Juck) (Uncle)
07 사랑니 (Wisdom Tooth)
08 Everything’s Alright (Feat. Kim Hyun Cheol)
09 Last Fantasy
10 Teacher (Feat. Ra.D)
11 길 잃은 강아지 (A Lost Puppy)
12 4AM
13 라망 (L’ amant) (The Lover)

I am not a hardcore IU fan, although her music is wonderful. She has often been regarded as the Korean version of YUI for their similar style in music. I really started like IU after the series Dream High with Miss A's Suzy and 2PM's Wooyoung and Taecyeon.

First it was Marshmellow, then Good Day. Now we have You and I which has a dramatic, theatrical feel, one that reminds you of a climatic fairytale or fantasy.

It took me a while to get used to this song. I didn't enjoy it much at first, but then when I saw the dance version I started to like it.

I found Everything's Alright and Sleeping Prince in the Woods a bit cheesy, but all the other songs are really wonderful. In particular, I just love love looooove You and I, Wallpaper, Wisdom Tooth, 4AM and L'amant.

She is just so cute and amazing... I love her! And I'm a girl...
Aegyo attack!

~I like the muzik, dancing muzik
I like the muzik, sexy muzik
I feel the muzik, funky muzik
I'm crazy in exciting muzik alive~

Sunday, 18 December 2011

Confessions on Trouble Maker

OH. MY. GOD. OMG OMG OMG -faints-

This is extreme fan service. I mean, taking the sexiest member of B2ST and 4Minute and releasing the SEXIEST song with the SEXIEST MV?? Cube, ARE YOU TRYING TO KILL ME?

I think what killed most B2uties was the kiss at the 2011 MAMA awards. I am still having seizures from it all!

I feel a bit sorry for Hyuna. Everyone is giving her negative comments for being slutty but no one ever calls Hyunseung a manwhore for touching her.

I also loved how that was in the middle of B2ST's performance of Fiction. Completely random, but oh God that kiss...   -nosebleeds-



I am like crying right now. Cube seriously needs to make more groups like these so I can fangirl even more!

Recently Trouble Maker won its first award on Music Bank against some top artists like IU and T-ara.

But after Trouble Maker, Hyuna is pretty much compatible with Kikwang, Junhyung, Hyunseung, YoungSeung, Zico, Lee Joon.. haha but she is the best and cutest with Joonie!

~You are my obsession Cause all of my confession
It's all about obsession All cause of obsession

Wednesday, 14 December 2011

Confessions on Christmas songs

I used to hate the guts out of Christmas songs. But I'm loving this album because of SUJU!! and INFINITE!! and all the fantastic artists who attempt to sing in English (who mostly fail..)

I am ashamed and very sorry for my hiatus. I blame exams (despite finishing them like a month ago..) and stress! Wow I have a long list of things to write. I missed the MAMA awards, Comebacks by IU and Trouble Maker, U-Kiss' Japanese debut.. :O

So let me kick off with SM's Christmas present to fans: "The Winter Gift".


Super Junior with Zhou Mi and Henry - Santa You Are The One

TVXQ - Sleigh Ride

SHINee - Last Christmas

SNSD - Diamond

f(x) - 1, 2, 3

IKR! Mind blowingly awesome. Fangirled through Last Christmas and Santa You Are The One OH MY GOD I LOVE SUJU. I LOVE CHRISTMAS. F YEAH!

Someone PLEASE ship me to Korea..

Haha so other tracks by various artist include:

MBLAQ - White Forever

Infinite - White Confession

GP Basic - Christmas Carol

TVXQ - Winter Rose

Great, now that is out of the system, MERRY CHRISTMAS!


~Everyday I think about You, Every night I wanna with You~

01. Santa U Are The One – Sung by Super Junior
02. Sleigh Ride – Sung by 동방신기
03. Distance – Sung by BoA
04. Last Christmas – Sung by SHINee
05. Diamond – Sung by 소녀시대
06. For The First Time – Sung by 강타
07. Like A Dream – Sung by TRAX
08. The First Noel – Sung by 장리인
09. 1,2,3 – Sung by f(x)
10. Amazing – Sung by 천상지희-다나&선데이
11. Happy X-Mas (War Is Over) – Sung by J-Min

Thursday, 8 December 2011

Song Battle: A-pinks I Don't Know VS My My

I'm going to just casual mush this battle into an album review hehe~

01 He's My Baby
02 MY MY
03 Yeah
04 꿈결처럼
05 Prince

So A-pink recently released their second mini album titled Snow Pink. I really don't need a whole post to decide which I song I like: I Don't Know wins HANDS DOWN!

MV wise, song wise and choreography wise, I Don't Know owns everything A-pink has ever done.

I have a love/hate relationship with A-pink: I have a guilty love for their song I Don't Know (Kikwang!), but I don't like their cutesy, innocent image. I also don't like the fact that they live in the same appartment block as Infinite and are always paired with their seven members!

They are, nevertheless, part of Cube. I am totally pro Cube Yo! :D

I mean seriously, Kikwang wakes up in your garden and you just LEAVE HIM? Who on earth would do such a thing...

 ~As usual it's mine, Yes It's mine~

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Confessions on After School's Uee

Uee has been in the spotlight for a while and it seems that she has many fans and anti's. In a way, her popularity is similar to SNSD's Yoona in that they are both the 'actors' of their groups. Arguably, she is the most popular member in After School.

So my confession is: Why do so many people hate her?

I quite like Uee. I mean, she is pretty and is great on variety shows. I heard from a discussion thread that people dislike her because her face is so dead-panned and expressionless; she always seem to be 'glaring' and hardly smiles. However many idols have confessed that she is their ideal type.

I don't know why, but I find her looking like a clone to Wonder Girl's Sohee. Is this just me??


Anyway.. Anotheer reason is perhaps her character in the K-drama 'You're Beautiful' where she played the bitchy girl who tried to make Tae Kyung break up with Mi Nam by sabotaging Mi Nam's real identity.

On another note, Pledis has released a 'family' song called Love Letter, featuring After School, Son Dam Bi and the to-debut boys group Pledis Boys. To be honest, it's a little boring. It sounds like the exact same as Star Empire's Shooting Star. I guess that songs like these have to be made in the spirit if Christmas..

~Cry Cry, can't you see the Music~