Wednesday, 31 October 2012

Confessions on Lee Hi's Debut Song ""

16 year old Kpop Star finalist Lee Hi is YG's newest debut. She released her first song, on the 28th of October. 

As previously mentioned, Lee Hi featured in Epik High's "IT'S COLD". From her hauntingly sweet voice then, I did NOT expect her to come out with something this soulful and strong. has me squealing in delight with it's difference. Her vocals are powerful and controlled. This song definitely gives off Christina Aguilera vibes.
It's classy with a Broadway-like concept and feels old school with background cheerleader style chanting and "shu bee du wup wup"s.

It's great, with none of that sugar sweet, vomit inducing, aegyo nonsense that I despise.

For someone who hasn't been given any dance training thus far, she really hasn't done badly. I'm also really happy that YG hasn't cutesy-ed Hi's doll-like features.
She definitely strikes me as fierce, like fellow label mate CL. I'll be very disappointed if YG decides to SNSD aegyo her up.

It's a great song that I would definitely recommend, and by the looks of the view counts, I'd say other people are pretty happy with it as well!
1,867,913 views in less than 2 days for a first song as well as an "all kill" on various online music charts. I'm very impressed and I'm sure to keep an eye out for her in the future. 
I expect there to be big things from her.
I wish Hi the best of luck and I'm looking forward to what she had to show next.

Admin S.
xx <3

Listening To: Dead President - ZICO

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